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Scaffolding: comparative adjectives.

Comparative Adjectives

The adjectives can be used to compare two different objects, situation, etc... but we need to add them -er than. in order to make them comparatives. 

  • For example:
    • The table is 1 meter long.
    • The car is 4 meters long.
    • The car is longer than the table.
    • The table is shorter than the car. 

Let's learn a bit more about this grammar aspect with the following video. 

Let's practise it a bit

You will never learn better the grammar practising it several times. The following links can help you to do it.

Writing time!

In the ecosystem there are species of animals which are considered invasive. That means this species is not developing in their ecosystem and they are producing a change in the conditions of this ecosystem. This could happen because humans do it intentionally, like it happens in the 70's with the American red crab, or because humans introduce an exotic species they don't want to continue having as a pet, like it is happens in Madrid with the racoons. 

In this task we are going to create a poster comparing two invasive species in Spain.

  • Look for two species in the following website:
  • Choose two of the species and look for their English names.
  • Find a photo of each one of the animals.
  • Create five sentences comparing both of them. 
  • Include all the information in one of the following web tools to create a poster.