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The elements of the ecosystem

An ecosystem

An ecosystem is all the living things and non-living things in an area. It includes the animals and plants which form the community, but also the rocks or the water. 

Lago y arco iris
AlainAudete. Lago (Public Domain)

A glossary about ecosystem elements

2 lessons

Let's create a glossary about the different elements in the ecosystem. Remind that a glossary is a list of vocabulary words related with a topic, in this case, ecosystem. Our glossary will contain the following concepts:

  • Ecosystem.
  • Non-living things.
  • Living things.
  • Population.
  • Communities 
  • Species.

In the following links you can look for reliable information about the topic:

Each one of the concepts should have a TITLE, A DEFINITION (with your own words) and a PICTURE to make it more visual and comprenhensible for everybody. You can present your final task in the most suitable format for you, you can use one of our proposals:

Thinking about my learning

It is time to reflect about your learning today. Remind that everyday at the end of each lesson we will write on your Learning Diary asking the following questions:

  • Date
  • What have I done?
  • What problems did I have? How did I solve these problems?
  • What have I learnt?
  • How can I improve my learning for the next lesson?
  • Do I want to learn a bit more about something?

Our teacher will check it and give to us some feedback to help our improvements.