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Sportsmen and sportswomen

Comparing Athletes

At the end of this mission you should be able to make comparisons using the proper grammar structure.

We will work on reading and writing skills.

In this mission you will create a Google Drive Slideshow in which you will present two sportsmen or sporstwomen and then we will ask you to compare them. This will be a pair activity. 

Let's follow these steps to achieve the final aim of this mission:

  • Choose two athletes from the 'list of multi-sport athletes'.
  • Start with the slideshow; it will have five slides:
    • Slide 1: You will write a title and the name of the authors. 
    • Slide 2: The data of the first athlete. (Name, Date of birth, High, Weight, Number of prizes (medals, cups, ....). A photo would be something great.
    • Slide 3: The data of the second athlete.  (Name, Date of birth, High, Weight, Number of prizes (medals, cups, ....). A photo would be something great. 
    • Slide 4: Write down six sentences comparing them. Remember to use the comparative and superlative structures you are learning. (The following activity will help you with it)
    • Slide 5: Farewell.
  • Important: You have to use free images or Creative Commons ones. 

This 'Rubric for a Slide Presentation' will help you know how to do a great job:

This presentation will be part of your final post for the portfolio. At the moment, create a new post with the link you have worked on, the mission you have developed and the two athletes presented on your slideshow.

Don't forget to identify your post with the tag "Project sport journalist".

If you want, your teacher can spread your post using the Twitter account of the classroom. For that you have to write down the tweet for the teacher. Remember: 

  • You can use 280 characters.
  • Include the link to your post. 
  • Use the hashtag of the project: #EDIAsportjournalist

The 'Rubric to assess a tweet' will help you know how to do a great job. 

Grammar Point: Comparative and Superlatives

When we need to describe objects or people we use adjectives. But if we want to talk about the differences between two or more things, if we want to make a comparison between them, we will use Comparative and Superlative Structures.  

This knowledge will help you do this mission and write about your two sportsmen or sportswomen.

Let's have a look at the following video clip: it will explain to you the structure and the use of the comparative and superlative adjectives. It is a funny lesson but a real one, so if you don't understand something, ask your teacher.

Daniel Watson. Comparatives and Superlatives with Teacher Daniel (Licencia estándar de YouTube)
Let's practise this grammar point with the resource 'Comparative and superlative adjectives'. You will watch a video and then do some activities to practise the structures you are learning.

Learning Diary

It's time to continue with your 'Learning Diary'Remember it helps you reflect on what you are learning and most important: what the best way for learning is. 

Let's go back to the Google Drive Document you opened in the previous missions as a Learning Diary. Below your previous writing you will create a new section entitled: "Sportsmen and sportswomen". You will reflect about your learning using the following questions:

  • What are the most difficult aspects?
  • What tool was the most difficult for you to work with?
  • What do you think is the most important aspect you have learned?
  • Are there any aspects you did not understand?

Remember it would be great if you shared these feelings and thoughts with your classmates. You will have 10 or 15 minutes to complete this part. 

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