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Belfast City Hall

Welcome to Belfast!

Let’s start knowing a little bit more about the city that we are going to visit in this project. Our first stop in Belfast is going to be the Belfast City Hall, maybe the most famous landmark in the whole city. It is located in Donegall Square, in the heart of Belfast city centre. It first opened its doors on 1st August 1906.

Belfast City Hall
Iker Merodio. Belfast City Hall (CC BY-ND)

At the end of the session, you will have:

  • been introduced to Belfast, the capital city of Northern Ireland.
  • known all the outcomes you have to produce in this project.
  • started thinking about what to include in your interview

Watch the video and try to write down some of the most outstanding topics the video talks about. 

Expedia. Belfast Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia (Licencia estándar de YouTube)

After having watched the video, try to answer the following questions orally:

  • Do you know any other famous places in Belfast? Do you know the name of any other Northern Irish cities?
  • Have you ever been to Belfast? And to any other European capital cities?
  • Do you remember any of the monuments you visited?
  • Any interesting or favourite landmarks?
  • Do you recommend visiting any of these cities? Why? Why not?

If you are eager to know more details about the capital of Northern Ireland, watch the following video:

VisitBelfast. Visit Belfast- This is Belfast (Licencia estándar de YouTube)

As you could see, this is a good resource to see places and hear sounds about the city we're going to work on along this project. Which has been the most surprising to you? Is there anything that you already knew? Have you chosen your favourite place in Belfast yet?

You can answer and summarize these three questions in a short monologue and you can share it with your classmates of your group or with the rest of the class.

As you are going to see in a few moments, Belfast City Hall will be the first place you should include on a Google Site map. Don't forget about it! Meanwhile, watch this video about it.

Outcomes to produce while in Belfast

At the end of the Belfast project, you will have produced the following outcomes:

StockSnap. Checklist (CC0)

Task: Each project has a complete different task, with different steps to complete it. In Belfast, you have to produce a five-minute interview regarding shopping and spread it through Twitter. All the activities within this task will be identified thanks to their colour, orange.

Challenge: Along the different projects, there is a challenge which is common to all the projects, with a Google Site, where you have to search for certain information of the different English-speaking cities you are going to visit. The different activities are also going to be distributed in different steps and you are going to have some help to look for and select the information for the collaborative challenge. This is designed to be done in groups of 2/3 students. All the activities within this challenge will be identified thanks to their colour, green. The 'Rubric to assess the design of a digital site' will be used to evaluate your site.

If you need extra help with how to manage a site, take a look at Google sites help.

Learning Diary: You have to use a blog (wordpress, blogger, edublogs or others), as your learning diary. You will publish the different reflections on the activities you will find throughout the project, the videos of the conversations with your classmates, the reflections on the daily work, all the different tasks, the link to your Google Site challenge, and all the other activities that you will be discovering along the projects. All the activities within this task will be identified by their colour, blue. These activities will be evaluated according to the 'Rubric to assess blog posts'

If you need extra help, learn more about how to start a blog.

Twitter will be a tool you should use to spread and share your work. Along the project you will be required to publish on Twitter using one (or both) of these hashtags: #taskinterview and #EDIAbelfast

If you are new in this network, take a look at the guide for new users.

After reading the instructions on how to use Twitter, use the 'Rubric to assess tweets'  to produce accurate tweets within these projects.

All your work along this unit will be evaluated according to a rubric. You can use it as a guide and a reference for your work: 'Assessment rubric: Belfast'.

Your task: An interview about your last visit to a shopping centre.

Task Step 1: Think about what you have to do.

At the end of this project, you will have been able to record a five-minute interview in pairs, using past tenses about your last visit to a shop or shopping centre to buy clothes, shops and electronic devices.

One member of the team will be the interviewer and the other the interviewee.

Steven Depolo. Vintage Indie Used Clothing Scavenger Hunt Shopping 12-8-08 1 (CC BY)

By doing so, you will be awarded an accomplishment badge by your teacher who will be able to create them using this website and which you will be able to upload to your personal Learning Diary.

But first, you have to think about what to include in your interview and brainstorm some answers to these questions:

  • Which are your favourite clothes? How often do you go shopping?
  • Which type of shops do you usually go to? Do you buy online in your family?
  • What kind of electronic devices can you include? How many? Which is your favourite?

Have you already started thinking about what to include in your conversation for the interview? Now, it is the moment to obtain more information and ideas to think about the content of your interview.

Remember that you will have to design an interview with your partner based on your last visit to a shopping centre and the conversation must be about what you bought there. It will be evaluated according to the 'Rubric to assess an interview'.

It has to include different types of shops. Let's start with the vocabulary about clothes.

This could be a great moment to start with your work on Twitter. Make your first posts summarizing the project and introducing Belfast City Hall. Use the hashtag: #EDIAbelfast

Let's continue with our visit to Belfast!

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