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Food around the world

What is the typical food of.....?

At the end of this mission you will be able: to talk about and identify different typical food around the world.

We will work the reading and writing skills.

To introduce the topic of the "Food around the world" we are going to start reading about it.

In the article 'The world weirdest food' you can find a short reading with some activities to check your comprehension.

Where can you eat ... ?

You have read about different typical food at different places around the world. We want you to investigate about more of them. Each group will find at least four different recipes from different places. Two websites will help you to look for more information. 

For each one of the recipes you should have the different points.

  • Photo.
  • Place.
  • Main ingredients.
  • When do people eat it?

Using the previous information you are going to include all the information as markers in a collaborative Google Maps, which will be created by your teacher.

As you can imagine, you can do your activities on line using the Google Maps but it would be posible to create big World Map in a card and add there the different food you have investigated about.

One video will help you to know how to include the marks into a Google Map.

sysprn. How to add markers to your google maps (Licencia estándar de YouTube)

Your final mission will be to add into the map the four text describing the food. It must be short text with a title. Remember to include at least one illustration about the food. The 'Rubric for an informative / explanatory text'' will help you know how to do a great job. You can include the map into your blog adding information about what your group work is. In case yo had created your map in a card you'd only need to take some different images and then to include them on your post.

Don't forget to identify your post with the tag "Project A cook book".

If you want, your teacher can spread your post using the Twitter account of the classroom. For that you have to write down the tweet for the teacher. Remember: 

  • You can use 280 characters.
  • Include the link to your post. 
  • Use the hashtag of the project: #EDIAcookbook.

The 'Rubric to assess a tweet' will help you know how to do a great job. 

Before posting your text, ask your colleagues to check your work and make suggestions, corrections... You must do the same work with some of your mates' outcomes, too. Don't be afraid. Making mistakes is a good way to learn!

With this task you have learnt and deal with lots of recipes, this will be very useful for you for the final task of the project in which you have to write down a recipe. 

Learning Diary

It's time to continue with your Learning Diary. Remember it helps you reflect on what you are learning and most important: what the best way for learning is. 

notebook and pen

Peter O'SheaWriting tools (CC BY)

Let's go back to the Google Drive Document you opened in the previous mission as a Learning Diary. Below your previous writing you will create a new section entitled: "Food around the world". You will reflect about your learning using the following questions:

  • What are the most difficult aspects?
  • What tool was the most difficult for you to work with?
  • What do you think is the most important aspect you have learned?
  • Are there any aspects you did not understand?

Remember it would be great if you shared these feelings and thoughts with your classmates. You will have 10 or 15 minutes to complete this part.

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