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Scaffolding: PAST TENSE

How to talk about the past

We have to modify a little bit the verbs to talk about the past, when the action have finished. When we are talking about the past we have two kind of verbs:

  • Regular verbs: we can form the past by adding -ed at the end of the verb.
  • Irregular verbs: the past form of the irregurlar verbs it is different in each of these verbs so we need to learn it. List of irregular verbs. 

The auxiliary verb which we used for creating the negative form and the questions is DID (past tense of the verb DO).

Let's learn a bit more about the past tense in the following video.

Let's practice it a bit

We will never learn the grammar better than practising it several times. The following links can help us to do it.

Writing time

1 lesson

As we have learnt in the previous video and links we used it to talk about actions which have finished or moments we have lived.  In the following task we have to write about the most interesting or special moment we have ever lived. It is said, we have to write down about an anecdote we find interesting for our mates.

A camera on some old photos
jarmoluk. Fotografías (Public Domain)

The composition should:

  • Have at least ten sentences. 
  • Be written in the past.
  • Try to be as clearer as everybody could imagine what happened.
  • Have the structure of Subject - Verb - Complements: I went to the beach with my parents.