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About the project

Our project. General information

Before you get engaged in this online project, it is important that you know about what, when and how to do all the tasks required. To start with, you must know about the missions that you will be fulfilling.

Each section of the project presents some relevant language contents to you through website links related to grammar, key vocabulary and listening and reading comprehension activities. We recommend that you practise hard these contents because they will help you perform more easily the following missions:

  • A slide presentation on the functioning of the Internet.
  • A recording of a self-invented character.
  • A written text based on life before and after the Internet.
  • A board with tips to go online safely.
  • A poster based on secure websites.

All these missions will lead you to the accomplishment of a final challenge which is based on a flyer promoting a safer use of the Internet.

The tools that you are going to use to design and edit your work in the missions and the challenge are:

  • Cacoo, an online tool with which you will use to work on key vocabulary.
  • Canva, which will enable you to design and create your own charts.
  • StoryboardThat. You will use this online app to prepare the drafts for your presentations.
  • Google Slides or other computer programs such as OpenOffice or LibreOffice to create slide presentations.
  • Voki, a tool which will enable you to create a character and record your voice.

This project emphasizes collaborative work, which means that you will be working in pairs and small groups. However, do not forget that your teacher can help you whenever necessary on your way towards the big final challenge.

Notice that you will be performing several missions and we are sure that, by the end of this project, you will be proud of your great work, which you can prepare, publish or share with the help of the online tools and apps listed below.

  • To publish, you will use Weebly site. An email account is required to create your own site where you will be posting all your missions. Within this site, you will create a blog entitled 'Internet project', in which you will be including relevant information regarding your learning process.
  • To share your work with your classmates, you will use Pinterest, a digital board where you can publish your tasks and share them with your classmates.

Throughout the project, your teacher may award you with a badge from Open Badges in case of excellent performance.


Your progress on this project will be assessed according to the following criteria:

As you can see, you will get entirely involved in this project by acquiring, creating and sharing contents as well as assessing both, your own and you classmates' work.

Let's get started!

You and your classmates can be considered as 'netizens'  as you probably use the Internet for several things in your daily life. Actually, you were born after it was invented!

One of the purposes for using the Internet is to communicate with other people. Can you think of several ways in which people can communicate when they go online? Comment your ideas with a classmate.

Read the BBC Bitesize page and learn some relevant information. After reading, discuss with your classgroup the questions below about different ways of communicating using a digital device

  • Which way of online communication do you use the most?
  • Which one does not require Internet connection?
  • Is there any that you do not know how it works? Which one?

Now that you are aware of the different ways in which you can communicate through the Internet, let's learn about how it really works. Read the text 'How does the Internet work?' and  find it out.

Identify and comment with your classmate on key vocabulary about the Internet. In case that you do not know any key word, search it at the Wordmap site and you will be able to check on a map which is the equivalent word in your mother tongue. You just need to click on the zone/country where you are from.

Watch and listen carefully to the video How does the Internet really work? Can you recognize other Internet-related words?

Sign in at and draw a chart entitled 'Internet words'. Include all the internet words and expressions that you have learnt and share your chart with your classmates using the online tool Pinterest. Remember to use images to illustrate your chart.

Sign in at and create a site entitled 'Safer Internet'. Here, you will create a page with the name 'Internet vocabulary' where you will include a link to your chart.

If you want to extend your knowledge on Internet vocabulary, click on the activity links below.

Tip: you need to practise these key words and expressions as much as you can because you will be required to use them later.

Say it simply!

We would like that you and your classmates put into practice what you have learnt about the functioning of the Internet. Get together in groups of three students and prepare a presentation to explain to your classgroup about how the Internet works. 

In order to fulfill your mission successfully, follow these steps:

  • You are going to prepare a presentation using Google SlidesOpenOffice or LibreOffice. Google Slides is ideal to work collaboratively with other students from your group as you all will be able to edit whatever you want even if you are using your computer from home!
  • Distribute among the members in your group the information that you need to search and add to your presentation. If necessary, use the StoryboardThat tool to prepare a draft.
  • Each slide must contain a brief and concise text. Do not include too much information.
  • Include attractive images to illustrate your slides.
  • Use as many Internet-related words as possible.

On a fixed day, your teacher will tell you to show your slide presentation in front of your classmates and take turns to explain about how the Internet works.

You can read the criteria that your teacher will use to evaluate your work at the 'Rubric for assessing your slide presentation' (download in editable odt format, download in pdf).

After presenting your work, it is a good idea that you post it on your Weebly site. Concretely, include it in a new page that you will entitle 'My digital resources'. Besides, we invite you to share it with your classmates on Pinterest so that you can receive comments on the great work you have done. 

Learning diary

In this mission, you are going to start creating your Learning Diary (download in editable odt format, download in pdf). It will help you reflect on what you are learning and, most important, what the best way for learning is.

My learning diary

Peter O'SheaWriting tools (CC BY)

In your Weebly website, you have the possibility to create a blog which you will entitle  'Internet project'.

After reading all the instructions related to your first mission, we encourage you to reflect and answer the questions below in your diary. Make a first post on your blog with the title 'About the project' and write your answers.

  • How could I sum up the sequence of contents I am going to deal with? What do I have to achieve to overcome the mission?
  • From my point of view, what aspects or tasks are the most important to be developed in this project? What do I expect to learn throughout this work project?
  • What difficulties may I face? What ideas come to my mind for developing the content sequence?
  • What doubts do I still have?

Do not forget it would be great if you shared these feelings and thoughts with your classmates. You will have 10 or 15 minutes to complete this part.

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