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SDG 14: Life Below Water

Understanding Goal 14

Life below water is under a great risk.

a) Let's watch the video in order to understand this goal better.

Participate. Understanding Goal 14: Life below water (CC BY-SA)

b) Answer  the following questions:

  • Why do we need the Oceans?
  • Why aren't the oceans as blue as the sky?
  • How does plastic affect to animals below water?
  • Why does temperature of the water must not rise?
  • What organization is working hard protecting our water?
  • What country is metinoned for having volunteers to clean the beaches?
  • What place is mentioned for having green roofs which absorbe acid rain contaminated with pollutants?
  • Who is responsible of protecting life below water?

c) Read the following article which belongs to the United Nations and it is not  adapted. Therefore, Skim it and  scan it.

You will skim the reading  to grasp the main idea and you will scan it to get the specific  information that call your attention.

d) Complete:

  1. The main idea of the article is ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. Specific information that called my attention:
  • _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

You can download a handout  to write your answers in odt or pdf.

Word Guessing


In pairs, observe the letters, identify and fill in the missing words related to fishing.

In order to find the right answer as soon as possible, you are allowed to use as many tools you can (dictionaries, internet, etc).

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A fish is caught!

Before fishing, it is very important to have a fishing rod? Do you have one?

FIshing fishing (CC0)
  • Do you know how a fishing rod is made? You are going to make one with just a straw, a piece of string,  roll of tape and a papper clip. Are you ready?
  • When you finish it,  show it to your classmates and explain them how you made it?

In order to do so, use the passive voice.

Here you have worksheets to practice the passive voice in present simple and passive voice in past simple.

Preparing a problem to be solved!

In groups, you will be simulating an ocean food web using pasta called 'Tiburones Tricolor'.

In this ocean’s food web  there are plain yellow goldfish which eat seaweed. Theare are also green goldfish and orange goldfish which eat the yellow goldfish.

Ocean Ocean (CC0)
  • Note that there must be at least two goldfish (yellow with yellow, green with green and orange with orange) in the ocean for these fish to survive.
  •  One of the purposes  of this task is to earn money:
    • yellow goldfish (yellow pasta) will make a profit of 2€ each.
    • orange goldfish (orange pasta) will make a profit of 5€ each,
    • green goldfish (green pasta) will make a profit of 10€ each.
  • Yor are going to be organised into groups of four or five.
  • Make sure the teacher give you: 1 paper plate (the ocean) , 16 yellow goldfish,  12 green goldfish and 12 orange goldfish.
  • Do not forget to have your fishing rod ready.

When your Ocean is full of fish, each group will have 30 seconds to fish.  You will fish 4 times, each time is considered one year.

Then, you have to write down the data you obtain in two tables.

Table 1: Number of fish remaining  in the ocean after fishing

Yellow goldfish
Green goldfish
Orange goldfish

Table 2: Profit made.

YEAR 1 Income YEAR 2 Income YEAR 3 Income Year 4 Income
Yellow goldfish (2€)
Green goldfish (5€)
Orange goldfish (10€)
  • The teacher will adjust the number of fish in each ocean to account for reproduction by adding one new fish of each species for each two that remain. Keep in mind that there must be a food source for each species  for them to survive. If no food source remains, remove that species from the ocean.
  • Use your data to create graphics showing the changes in your Ocean and your profit.

Some oceans may be completely empty of fish. Others may have established a way to fish sustainably so that there are more fish than when they started.

Discuss the various strategies the different groups used (or didn't use) to manage their oceans.

As a class, discuss the following questions:

  • What is overfishing?
  • Why does overfishing happen?
  • What are the effects of overfishing?
  • What is stewardship and why is it important?
  • How can the world continue fishing in a sustainable manner?

Task 1: The best, cheap and sustainable fishing rod

In groups, imagine that you have an important company of fishing rods and the government of a poor country ask you to make for them 1000 rods.

Fishing rod
Taichiman87. Fishing rod (Pixabay License)

They need to be very cheap and made with sustainable materials. How will you made them? Search for  all the information you need on Internet.

You have to convince the government of the country (classmates) that your product is the best. Therefore, prepare a great oral presentation! Do not forget to add pictures, graphics, etc.

Don't forget that the rubric to assess an oral presentation  will help you know how to do a great job (download in editable odt format or pdf).

Learning diary

Now, write in your learning diary your reflections.

Here you have also some questions to answer:

  • What did I learn?
  • What was new to me?
  • Was there something that changed my views and why?
  • What did I not understand?  Why?
  • What was more difficult for me? Why?
  • What was easier for me? Why?
  • What do I think about learning English by using ICT?
  • Have you learned about other subjects apart from English?

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