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Title Building businesses, changing lives
Coordination Centro Nacional de Desarrollo Curricular en Sistemas no Propietarios (Cedec)
Authorship Laura Pérez Fernández, María Teresa Pastor Pastor, Marta Alberola Tomás and Laura Vera Hurtado
License Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0
Identification ISSN: 2695-4192 / NIPO (elp): 164-24-020-5 / NIPO (html): 164-24-016-6
DOI (html): 10.4438/PE156_2024

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Information on licensing and use

This open educational resource has got a CC BY-SA license and therefore it can be used, downloaded, modified and adapted, as long as the name of the creator is provided, and in case of being transformed and publishing a new version, it must be done under the same CC BY-SA license as the original.

The following text can be used to acknowledge authorship in case of modification of the resource:

This material is an adaptation of the original resource "Building businesses, changing lives" from Cedec's  EDIA project.

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