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Breaking the ice

Your project: general information

The final outcome will be the creation of a promotional video on Instagram to advertise a service that your company offers to the community. In order to be able to create the final product, you will overcome different missions that will help you gain knowledge and acquire strategies.

This project will be worked in a collaborative way. There will be pair work, teamwork and individual work. This means that you will create your own knowledge with the guidance of your classmates and teacher

It will be really important for success to follow all the instructions given in each activity, using the net and the links as a source of information.

If you are working on a printed portfolio, the aspect "USE OF DIGITAL TOOL" does not apply.

You can write the definition of the word, a synonym, an antonym, the part of speech it belongs to, as well as an example where the word is used in a real context or even an image which represents the word. You may also say include the equivalent word in your language or if it is a false friend or cognate making comparisons with this word in English and your language.

You are expected to include visual aids (posters, infographic or mind map) to aid comprehension including examples where these language structures are used. Here you could also establish a comparison of this language form with your own language.


You are about to start your first business, but first of all you should know how you think about and act on opportunities. Being self-aware is something you must take into account for this project. An entrepreneur is someone who creates an innovative company that provides a new or necessary product to people.

Rocket going out of a computer
Mohamed Hassan. Untitled (CC0)

To help you find the best business for you, do this quiz to know what type of entrepreneur you are. 

  • Do you agree with your entrepreneur profile?
  • What do you know about the entrepreneurs given as examples?

Share your enterprising profile with your classmates and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each type of entrepreneur. You will use a team board, Kanban Framework, from the tool Miro to share the different profile features. 

To know more about the qualities of an entrepreneur you can listen to an interview to a famous entrepreneur who will give you some recommendations for your start-up.

Closing the gender gap at work

Gender equality has become a crucial aspect in today's society. But, what does gender equality mean to you? Do you think it is important? The notion of gender equality means that men and women have equal power and equal opportunities for financial independence, education, and personal development. But, do you think men and women have the same job opportunities? To reflect on this issue, let's work on the following steps. 

Learning diary

In this project you are going to start creating your portfolio. Remember it helps you reflect on what you are learning and, most important, what the best way for learning is. 

You will create the title of your project "Building businesses, changing lives", and a first section entitled "Breaking the ice”. You will update it with your work and reflect on your learning using the following questions:

  • What did I do?
  • When did I do it?
  • How did I work, individually, in pairs or in groups?
  • How did I feel working in that way?
  • How well/badly did it go?
  • What did I learn with this task?
  • How will I use it in the future?
  • What do I have to improve?
  • What strategies will I use in the future to improve it?

Remember to update the glossary and grammar section with the new words and grammar structures you have learnt. 

Do not forget it would be great if you shared these feelings and thoughts with your classmates. You will have 10 or 15 minutes to complete this part.

If you are working on a printed portfolio, the aspect "USE OF DIGITAL TOOL" does not apply.

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