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SDG 1: No poverty

What is POVERTY?

We commonly use the word poverty. However, do we really know its meaning? Watch the following video to check if you knew its proper meaning.

a) Watch the following video:

Participate. Understand Goal 1: No Poverty (Secondary) (Licencia estándar de YouTube)

b) Read and answer  the following questions:

  1. What is poverty?
  2. Is poverty the same for everyone?
  3. Who can be affected by poverty?

c) Read the following article which belongs to the United Nations and it is not  adapted. You just have to skim it and to scan it.

First, skim the reading to grasp the main idea and, secondly, scan it to get the specific information that calls your attention.

d) Complete:

i. The main idea of the article is:


ii. Specific information that called my attention:

  • _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Here you can download the handout for the students to write their answers in odt or pdf.

What are the main causes of poverty?

In teams, think about all the possible reasons that porovokes poverty and exchange your ideas. You are given some examples below:

Exchange of ideas
geralt. Exchange of ideas (Pixabay License)

Now,  you know poverty is a problem that countries all over the world face, give your opinion about the situation.  Try to mediate if there is any conflict when someone does not agree with other points of view.

Basically, someone who lives in poverty doesn't have the money to pay for things that most of us don't have to worry about.

Some of the things that people who are living in poverty cannot afford are: food, a home, clothes and new shoes, school suplies, vacations, medicines, etc.

Some of the main causes of poverty are:


War destroys towns, buildings and homes. People end up with nowhere to live or to work.

Big companies taking land

Big companies of oil, coal and gas, take land away from local people who grow their own crops to sell or keep animals on to sell the meat or milk.

Climate change

This is caused by using types of fuels which are not good for the environment. More natural disasters  take place, so people lose their homes. Livelihoods are left with nothing.

TASK 1: Searching for poor countries

Have you ever heard about a place called Burundi?

kassoum_kone. Burundi (Pixabay License)

The Republic of Burundi is  in the East of Africa, bordered by Rwanda to the north, Tanzania to the east and south, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west.  In 2020,  there were 11'89 millions of inhabitants. The official languages of Burundi are Kirundi French and English. Burundians have been in conflict consistently since gaining independence from Belgium in 1962.  The poverty rate is 76.8% and it is considered one of the most dangerous places in the world to have a child because it has got 740 deaths per 100,000 live births. Poverty causes hunger and malnutrition, limited access to education and other basic services, social discrimination and exclusion as well as the lack of participation in decision-making.

Now, in groups look for three poor countries .

The following relevant information must be included in each country:

  • Name of the country
  • Ubication
  • How are called the citizens of the country?
  • Number of inhabitants
  • Official languages spoken
  • Reasons of  poverty (ex. war)
  • Poverty rate
  • Consequences of poverty in their lives (ex. they do not have clean water)

Don't forget that the rubric to assess the writing of a research  will help you know how to do a great job (download in editable odt format or download in pdf).

Learning Diary

Now, write in your learning diary your reflections.

Here you have  some questions to answer:

  • What did I learn?
  • What was new to me?
  • Was there something that changed my views and why?
  • What didn't I  understand?  Why?
  • What was more difficult to me? Why?
  • What was easier to me? Why?
  • What do I think about learning English by using ICT?

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