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Time machine

Discover the mystery

Caja fuerte con código digital
Imagen de Sicily87 en Freepik. Safe. (Licencia Freepik)

The aim of this final session is to discover the contents of the Mystery Box and then propose to build a new time capsule to be opened in a year's time.

Last secret number

Cabina telefónica roja londinense.
Imagen de vectorGoods en freepik. London phone booth. (Licencia Freepik)

The last secret number matches the last digit of the British Prime Minister's house number. Do you know which number it is? Once opened, the teacher shows the objects in the box, asking students about them, what meanings they might have and why they think they are in the box.   

Time machine

Personas excavando para buscar o enterrar algo.
Imagen en Freepik. Trasure hunt. (Licencia Freepik)

In this activity we individually tell the group which keepsake we have brought and why. Once we have finished the presentation, each of us puts their object in the empty box. We will bury the box with our keepsakes in the school garden, so that, after a year, we can dig it up and compare past and present objects and ideas.


Now it is time to reflect on your progress and tell us your impressions about this learning process. Download the worksheet and complete it. 

Instrumento para valorar la progresión del alumnado.
MEFP. Pupils´ progression (elaborado en Canva). (CC BY-ND)


To conclude the learning situation, we go back to the KWL graphic organiser, to fill in the last column. We conclude the session with a discussion in which the students contribute their opinions and experiences on what they have learned. 

Rutina de pensamiento para reflexionar sobre lo que ya sabíamos de la tarea y lo que hemos aprendido.
MEFP. KWL Task 4 (elaborado en Canva). (CC BY-ND)

Recursos y evaluación de los aprendizajes


  • Caja de latón.
  • Objetos.
  • Ficha de progreso del alumnado.

Productos evaluables

Instrumentos y técnicas de evaluación

Creado con eXeLearning (Ventana nueva)

Financiado por la Unión Europea — Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional (Gobierno de España) — Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia