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1. Through the looking glass

What do you see?

Diferentes talentos artísticos.
Freepik/pikisuperstar. Talents. (Licencia Freepik)

What job would you like to do? What would you like to work on? Or even what would you like to do with your life? The answer is not simple, although a good starting point can be to know your talents and your passions to find out your vital and professional path. Do you know them?

Mirror, mirror on the wall


Niño solo.
MEFP. Individually (elaborado en Canva). (CC BY-ND)

Look at the mirror

Preguntas modelo
MEFP. Preguntas (elaborado en Canva). (CC BY-ND)

What do you like and love?


Pareja de alumnos.
MEFP. Pairs (elaborado en Canva). (CC BY-ND)


Talk and write about your own skills and passions in order to connect them to your dream job, one that gives you a purpose in life. Then, share that with the rest of the class. Use the whiteboard or an app. 


En qué cosas piensas que eres bueno.
MEFP. Good at (elaborado en Canva). (CC BY-ND)


Being able to find the meaning of everything we do sometimes is not an easy task. Nevertheless, if we spend time knowing and understanding ourselves, we will be able to act by developing our talents as well as managing our frustrations. Do you dare to discover yourself? Do you want to find your IKIGAI


MEFP. Definición (elaborado en Canva). (CC BY-ND)

Search for information


Pareja de alumnos.
MEFP. Pairs (elaborado en Canva). (CC BY-ND)


Do you know the meaning of IKIGAI? Not really? Search for information and jot down what you find out.

Check your knowledge!

Answer true or false.

Pregunta 1

IKIGAI is an ancient Indian philosophy?

Pregunta 2

IKIGAI means your "reason for working".

Pregunta 3

Many Japanese people believe IKIGAI has a lot to do with their longevity and well-being.

Pregunta 4

This japanese secret is just linked to the elderly.

Pregunta 5

It's always easy discovering your IKIGAI.

Pregunta 6

The four IKIGAI questions are: What do you want to do? What are you good at? What can you get paid for? What does the world need?

Pregunta 7

True IKIGAI is embracing the joy of little things.

Pregunta 8

Each individual's IKIGAI is personal.

Final thoughts


Un niño solo.
MEFP. Individually (elaborado con Canva). (CC BY-ND)


Using post-its or a collaborative wall, share with the whole group your personal answers to these questions:

  • What do I know?
  • What do I want to know?
  • What have I learned?


MEFP. KWL (elaborado en Canva). (CC BY-ND)

Recursos y evaluación de los aprendizajes


Productos evaluables

  • Aportación al muro colaborativo.
  • Ficha IKIGAI.
  • Actividad interactiva.
  • Ficha. KWL. (pdf - 0,13 MB)

Instrumentos y técnicas de evaluación

Creado con eXeLearning (Ventana nueva)

Financiado por la Unión Europea — Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional (Gobierno de España) — Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia