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7. Break the ice

The interview

Alumnos revisando tareas.
Imagen de Freepik. Lista de comprobación. (Licencia Freepik)

Let's start by checking the collaborative wall to remember the answers we shared in it.  Also, do you remember all the vocabulary? Are there any grammar or spelling mistakes?

First draft


Grupo de 4 niños y nilñas.
MEFP. Groups (elaborado en Canva). (CC BY-ND)


Next, create an interview script to interview your chosen person about his or her IKIGAI and complete his or her IKIGAI and his or her Wellness wheel.

  1. Make groups of four or five. Then, each group member will have a role.
  2. Leave your pencils in the middle of the tables.
  3. The interviewer should remember the steps from the interview script.
  4. Taking it in turns, each member gives her or his opinion.
  5. The note-taker jots down everything said.


Roles del alumnado en el grupo cooperativo.
MEFP. Group roles (elaborado en Canva). (CC BY-ND)

It´s practice time!


Una pareja de un niño y una niña.
MEFP. Pairs (elaborado con Canva). (CC BY-ND)


Once your interview script is created, it is practice time! So, with your partner, interview someone from your school. Ask the questions and take notes, but do not forget to take turns! Everyone should play both roles: interviewer and note-taker.

We value our experience

Preguntas sobre la experiencia tenida durante la entrevista.
MEFP. Our experience (elaborado en Canva). (CC BY-ND)

Finally, how has the experience been? Highlight the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the interview.

Recursos y Evaluación de los Aprendizajes


Productos evaluables

  • Borrador de la entrevista.
  • Práctica de la entrevista.

Instrumentos y técnicas de evaluación

Creado con eXeLearning (Ventana nueva)

Financiado por la Unión Europea — Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional (Gobierno de España) — Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia