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4. Wellness wheel

What is your level of Wellness?

Juego de dados para formar palabras.
Freepik. Words. (Licencia Freepik)

Let's start by checking the text. Do you remember all the vocabulary?

Let's look for wellness

1 - 2 - 4 and together

Todo tipo de agrupaciones en el aula.
MEFP. 1 - 2 - 4 and together (elaborado en Canva). (CC BY-ND)


Think about your daily routines and colour the sections of the wheel according to your wellness. Reflect on your degree of happiness compared to that of the inhabitants of Okinawa. To help you with this, you will have to colour the Wellness Wheel according to how often you do the following activities:

  • Eat vegetables, legumes and fruits.
  • Participate in community activities. 
  • Spend time in contact with nature.
  • Spend time outdooors.

Then, share your answers in pairs. After that, one of you will present your information to the group while the other one writes everything on the collaborative wall.  


Descripción de la rueda de la felicidad.
MEFP. Wellness Wheel (elaborado en Canva). (CC BY-ND)

Final thoughts


Un niño solo en su pupitre.
MEFP. Individually (elaborado en Canva). (CC BY-ND)


As everyone has done the Wellness Wheel and the information has been shared on the collaborative wall, it would be a good opportunity to see the different healthy and wellness habits in the class

  • Have you learnt anything new about your classmates?
  • Have learnt anything new about yourself? 


MEFP. KWL (elaborado en Canva) (CC BY-ND)

Recursos y evaluación de los aprendizajes


  • Texto de la sesión anterior.

Productos evaluables

Instrumentos y técnicas de evaluación

Creado con eXeLearning (Ventana nueva)

Financiado por la Unión Europea — Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional (Gobierno de España) — Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia