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2. What about me?

Me, myself & I

Niño escribiendo en un muro con tiza.
Freepik/drobotdean. Remember. (Licencia Freepik)

Let's start by checking the collaborative wall to remember the ideas we shared on it. Do you remember all the vocabulary? Are there any spelling mistakes?

Jigsaw pieces


Grupo de cuatro niños y niñas.
MEFP. Groups (elaborado en Canva). (CC BY-ND)


You are all given a certain number of jigsaw pieces that belong to different images. There are as many images as there are groups. The objective of the task is that each group gets all the jigsaw pieces for their image from their classmates and that, cooperatively within the group, they put the pieces together to build the picture.


MEFP. IKIGAI (elaborado en Canva). (CC BY-ND)


1 - 2 - 4

Diferentes agrupaciones de niños y niñas en el aula.
MEFP. 1 - 2 - 4 (elaborado en Canva). (CC BY-ND)


Aspectos que conforman el Ikigai de una persona.
MEFP. How to find IKIGAI (elaborado en Canva). (CC BY-ND)

Now that we have completed the IKIGAI diagram. Let´s work individually! Think and answer the questions about your IKIGAI and then, share in pairs and in small groups your thoughts. 


¿Cuál es tu trabajo soñado?
MEFP. What is your dream job? (elaborado en Canva). (CC BY-ND)

Silent dance

1 - 2 - 4

Diferentes agrupaciones de niños y niñas.
MEFP. 1 - 2 - 4 (elaborado con Canva). (CC BY-ND)


YouTube/The Soul of Wind. Japanese Music (Licencia estándar de YouTube)

Ii is time to share your IKIGAI with the rest of the class, so place your answers on your chest and move around while the music is playing. When the music stops, gather in pairs to exchange your information in complete silence. Is your IKIGAI like others?

Final thoughts


Un niño solo en el aula.
MEFP. Individually (elaborado en Canva). (CC BY-ND)


Using post-its or a collaborative wall, share with the whole group your personal answers to these questions:

  • Have you learned anything new about your classmates?
  • Have you learned anything new about yourself?


MEFP. KWL (elaborado en Canva). (CC BY-ND)

Creado con eXeLearning (Ventana nueva)

Financiado por la Unión Europea — Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional (Gobierno de España) — Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia